To launch our online code, we need to prepare a configuration (config
) and pass it along with serializable functions env_generator
and policy_generator
into online.rollout.start_manager.start_rolloutmanager
The online_dict
configuration is a dictionary that specifies parameters for training, rollout management, and logging in the online system. Below is the format and explanation for each element.
Example Config#
This is a standard config setting:
"trainer_name": "PPOTrainer",
"detach_rollout_manager": True,
"rollout_config": {
"num_rollout_workers": 2,
"num_gpus_per_worker": 1.0,
"num_cpus_per_worker": 1,
"fragment_length": 256,
"to_send_queue_size": 1,
"worker_config": {
"num_envs": 2,
"batch_size": 1,
"restart_interval": 3600, # 1h
"video_fps": 20,
"video_output_dir": "output/videos",
"replay_buffer_config": {
"max_chunks": 4800,
"max_reuse": 2,
"max_staleness": 2,
"fragments_per_report": 40,
"fragments_per_chunk": 1,
"database_config": {
"path": "output/replay_buffer_cache",
"num_shards": 8,
"episode_statistics_config": {},
"train_config": {
"num_workers": 2,
"num_gpus_per_worker": 1.0,
"num_iterations": 4000,
"vf_warmup": 0,
"learning_rate": 0.00002,
"anneal_lr_linearly": False,
"weight_decay": 0.04,
"adam_eps": 1e-8,
"batch_size_per_gpu": 1,
"batches_per_iteration": 10, #200
"gradient_accumulation": 10, # TODO: check
"epochs_per_iteration": 1, # TODO: check
"context_length": 64,
"discount": 0.999,
"gae_lambda": 0.95,
"ppo_clip": 0.2,
"clip_vloss": False, # TODO: check
"max_grad_norm": 5, # ????
"zero_initial_vf": True,
"ppo_policy_coef": 1.0,
"ppo_vf_coef": 0.5, # TODO: check
"kl_divergence_coef_rho": 0.0,
"entropy_bonus_coef": 0.0,
"coef_rho_decay": 0.9995,
"log_ratio_range": 50, # for numerical stability
"normalize_advantage_full_batch": True, # TODO: check!!!
"use_normalized_vf": True,
"num_readers": 4,
"num_cpus_per_reader": 0.1,
"prefetch_batches": 2,
"save_interval": 10,
"keep_interval": 40,
"record_video_interval": 2,
"enable_ref_update": False,
"resume": None,
"resume_optimizer": True,
"save_path": "/scratch/hekaichen/workspace/MineStudio/minestudio/online/run/output"
"logger_config": {
"project": "minestudio_online",
"name": "bow_cow"
These are some of the more important elements in the settings:
# All Keys' Descriptioin
## Top-Level Keys
### `trainer_name`
- **Type**: String
- **Description**: Specifies the trainer to use.
- **Example**: `"PPOTrainer"`
### `detach_rollout_manager`
- **Type**: Boolean
- **Description**: Indicates whether to detach the rollout manager process.
- **Example**: `True`
## `rollout_config`
Configuration related to the rollout manager.
### `num_rollout_workers`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Number of rollout worker processes.
- **Example**: `2`
### `num_gpus_per_worker`
- **Type**: Float
- **Description**: Number of GPUs allocated per rollout worker.
- **Example**: `1.0`
### `num_cpus_per_worker`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Number of CPUs allocated per rollout worker.
- **Example**: `1`
### `fragment_length`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Number of steps per rollout fragment.
- **Example**: `256`
### `to_send_queue_size`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Size of the queue for sending rollout data to the trainer.
- **Example**: `4`
#### `worker_config`
- **Description**: Configuration for individual rollout workers.
- `num_envs`: Number of environments per worker. **Example**: `16`
- `batch_size`: Batch size for each worker. **Example**: `2`
- `restart_interval`: Restart interval for workers (in seconds). **Example**: `3600`
- `video_fps`: Frames per second for video output. **Example**: `20`
- `video_output_dir`: Directory for video outputs. **Example**: `"output/videos"`
#### `replay_buffer_config`
- **Description**: Configuration for the replay buffer.
- `max_chunks`: Maximum number of chunks in the buffer. **Example**: `4800`
- `max_reuse`: Maximum reuse count for data chunks. **Example**: `2`
- `max_staleness`: Maximum staleness of data chunks. **Example**: `2`
- `fragments_per_report`: Fragments to report per iteration. **Example**: `40`
- `fragments_per_chunk`: Fragments stored per chunk. **Example**: `1`
- `database_config`: Configuration for the database.
- `path`: Path to database files. **Example**: `"output/replay_buffer_cache"`
- `num_shards`: Number of shards in the database. **Example**: `8`
## `train_config`
Configuration related to training.
### `num_workers`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Number of training worker processes.
- **Example**: `2`
### `num_gpus_per_worker`
- **Type**: Float
- **Description**: Number of GPUs allocated per training worker.
- **Example**: `1.0`
### `num_iterations`
- **Type**: Integer
- **Description**: Number of training iterations.
- **Example**: `4000`
### Other Parameters
- `learning_rate`: Learning rate for the optimizer. **Example**: `0.00002`
- `batch_size_per_gpu`: Batch size per GPU. **Example**: `1`
- `ppo_clip`: PPO clip range. **Example**: `0.2`
- `save_interval`: Interval for saving models. **Example**: `10`
- `save_path`: Directory for saving models. The default saving path is in ray's default working path: **~/ray_results**, **Example**: `output` would save checkpoints in **~/ray_results/output**, you can also pass absolute path in it.
## `logger_config`
Configuration for wandb logging.
### `project`
- **Type**: String
- **Description**: Name of the logging project.
- **Example**: `"minestudio_online"`
### `name`
- **Type**: String
- **Description**: Name of the logging instance.
- **Example**: `"cow"`